Monday 27 June 2011

Toddler Health and Safety Tips

Drying the baby in the morning

Baby need to be dried in the sun in the morning to warm the body, but do not need to force this activity every day. So, assuming that the baby should be dried in the sun every day are not fully correct. Even if you are drying your baby, no need for long, just 10-15 minutes just before eight in the morning. This is important for infants who are born yellow. Because the to decipher the bilirubin into compounds that dissolve in water and expelled as urine.

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when the baby is sleeping

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Actually, for just to ease your task. Because it provides milk who gets up at night can make you more practical and the baby was fast asleep again. But the real bottle-feeding can impair infant development. The precipitate milk can be assembled on the child’s gums. In addition, the small so susceptible to ear infections, because the milk can be drunk eustachius enter the channel. This channel is the link between the back of the throat and the back of the ear. So, when should give the milk bottle, pick up the little baby’s head. After that tidurkan without a bottle of milk. It’s a little messy, but this is for the health of your baby.

Bathing in cold water to make baby strong

There is a myth that says the bath with cold water to make the baby stronger . This myth is of course not true. That’s why after the birth parents swaddle a baby. Indeed cold water to make baby’s body burning and increasing. So that the food in the body can be discharged to regulate . Babies can run out of steam and eventually became easily hurt. Babies should be bathed with warm water. Do not linger bathing the baby and try to direct the child in warm afterwards. 

Baby slobber

It is natural if the baby slobber. For infants up to age 4 years, will actively produce saliva. But if , the possibility of inflammation or infection in the oral cavity. Saliva is also a sign of when the baby will grow teeth. Saliva in the baby’s mother will not happen due to time contain not met.

Baby bedwetting

Until the age of over two years, it’s natural if the baby is still wet. Because urine controls were not functioning perfectly. Even so, teach baby pee earlier would be better, so that at the age of two years he was able to control her bladder. If until the age of two years still wet the bed, beware of the possibility of biological or psychological problems.

The Baby Spit up (vomit a little) after meal

Reflux is the issue of food or drink liquids after he ate or drank milk. It happens to the baby if she glut or a lot of incoming air from ending when he ate or drank milk. Reflux can also occur when the baby octopus is applied firmly. It may also happen if you have the wrong position the child during meals, such as eating with supine sleeping position. When you do not experience these things, your baby will not spit up. Try to make baby burp when out to eat or drink.

Baby carrier

Baby carrier is a habit for the family, especially when the baby first child or grandchild. Indeed there own happiness as we hold the baby. Baby carrier can make babies more calm, but did not make the baby train his emotions. Babies who are used in carrying it would be prefer to be held until he is rather large, he will be lazy to walk. This will cause you trouble later, especially since the baby’s body that got bigger and weight. When you start strong neck muscles, he was able to control the well head. You may ask him to play with lifting baby-high-high, swing, and several variations of carrying another baby. This can help train the child to control his emotions.

Baby sweating

The presumption that children are always healthy and a lot of sweating that is not true. Actually, excessive perspiration that comes out is not a healthy sign. But there are certain disorders, such as stress, excessive thyroid function, low blood sugar, and excess weight. You should be aware if the child’s excessive sweating.

Vitamins for baby and kids

When eating a good boy, actually a vitamin supplement is not really necessary. If you want to continue to provide vitamin supplements to children, give them as needed, because the vitamin is very helpful if the child is very needed. For example, vitamins to increase appetite enhancer vitamins iron, and so forth.

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Infant and Toddler Health Tips

Here are some tips for keeping your infant and toddler health:             Drying the baby in the morning

Babies need to dry in the morning to warm the body, but should not force this activity every day.  So, assuming that the baby should be dried in the sun every day is not entirely correct.  Even if you are drying your baby, no need for long, just 10-15 minutes before eight o’clock in the morning.  This is important for babies born in yellow.  Because sunlight is able to describe the bilirubin into water soluble and is released as urine.

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Vitamins for kids

When eating a good boy, really extra vitamins are not necessary.  If you still want to give vitamin supplements to children, give them as needed, because the vitamin is very helpful if the child is really needed.  For example vitamins to increase appetite, vitamin supplement of iron, and so forth.

Baby and toddler health tips

Does your child seem constantly tired, listless and low on energy? Vegetable juices go a long way in building your child's health and increasing energy levels.   Younger children are constantly running around all day, and never seem to have a tired bone in their body. But the minute adolescence sets in, the same children want to just lounge around in their bedroom, chatting on the phone with friends, watching television or sleeping.

Vegetable juices are a surefire way to ensure your child gets a rapid energy boost. Vegetables are packed with anti oxidants and nutrients, are unprocessed, and are great for your health. Unfortunately not many children willingly eat vegetables, and are more likely to push them off their plate than they are to put them in their stomach! So, vegetable juices can be a great alternative. Making tasty vegetable juice can be a little tricky though.

The minute you hear 'vegetable juice', most people immediately think of carrot. But, think again. Although carrot definitely has its benefits, carrots also have a lot of sugar, and so drinking a glass of carrot juice everyday for a prolonged period of time may raise your insulin levels. However, carrot juice may be a great chioce for a slim, active child, but again, make sure you alternate carrot juice with other vegetable juices. Too much of a good thing almost always turns out to be a bad thing! 

Most other vegetable juices are far lower on sugar than fruit juices, which is why fruit juices are tastier. A glass of fruit juice can make insulin levels shoot up, while vegetable juices don't have the same effect. However, a glass of fruit juice provides more of an instant energy boost than a glass of vegetable juice does. Here are some tips on juicing vegetables:

1. Vegetable juice is quickly perishable, so it makes sense to drink it      immediately after juicing the vegetables.

2. Do not give your child the same vegetable juice every day for a prolonged period. It is best to rotate vegetables, to insure your child is getting a balanced diet.

3. Although you can throw away the pulp if you like, it would be better if      you just mixed the pulp in your juice and swallowed it. Pulp provides      your body with much needed fibre and roughage.

4. Bear in mind that vegetable juices have virtually no fat and no protein,      so you will need to ensure that your child gets his protein from other      sources.

Here are some recipes: 

1 apple
1/2 beet
4-5 carrots
Your child is guaranteed to love this juice. Give it to him once a week. Add a handful of cucumber to a glass of carrot juice for added benefit.

5 carrots
5 leaves of lettuce
5 leaves of spinach

Blend the above and give to your child once a week. 

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The number of combinations you can come up with is endless. Keep experimenting on a daily basis. In this manner you will be constantly trying out something new and will also ensure that your children are getting a well-rounded doze of vegetables. Make sure you keep track of the vegetables you are throwing in so if you ever stumble upon something truly amazing, you will be able to make it again!

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